Cristiano Ronaldo 2010/2011 – Love The Way You Lie

Music: Eminem ft. Rihanna – Adore The Way You Lie Cristiano Ronaldo 2010/2011 – Adore The Way You Lie This video clip show the lastes ( Targets & Expertise ) from Cristiano Ronaldo. The story far from period 2010-2011. Desire you like it make sure you Subscribe,rate And depart a comment what you think about the vid please.
Video Rating: 4 / five
@xCRonaldo7 naww bro megan fox and ronaldo they look perfect ,man really perfect if i was ronaldo i would’ve asked her out
Im sorry IM NOT A HATER, i love cristiano but i have to say this. I love the way you dive
el video esta muy guapoo
@playboygame27 lolololololololol
cristiano el mejoor
cool cristiano ronaldo
real madrid 😀
@Filihno obviously not ahahahaha
Ronaldo is fucking simulator :PPP
Do you remember….
1. When you could get on youtube without a huge ad at the top of your homepage?
2. When EVERY music video was from a user, not Vevo?
3. When you could use it as a music player without having an ad in the beginning of a music vid?
4. When copyright infringement wasn’t a big deal?
5. When it was YOUtube?
Copy and paste onto videos telling youtube how PISSED we, the YOU in YOUtube, are with their greedy corporate butts
thumbs up if you agree
cr7 the best i dnt give a fuck wat every1 says
@Filihno no wtf
My vidéo of FERNANDO TORRES : Fernando Torres – The Red One
by Bobybecks !
the best of this is eminem singing xD
great video!
He is sexy 😉
nice video
CR7 <3
@Filihno HELL NO !
i loooove this song and cristiano :))
im not saying its a bad video, its great. and it is a good video. well done. it is not easy to combine the music video with the video you are trying to make. well done 🙂
Cristiano Ronalo !
@dltotal90 her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown!!!
@Lovains1 by who did rihhana get beat up
THS VIDEO IS ASWOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Filihno nope i dont like rihanna lol she got beat upp …
@Gosha96 He ‘ s ALWAYS THE BEST ! Cristiano Ronaldo is my EVERYTHING ! My HEART , my LIFE , my MIND ! <3 #ForcaCR7FOREVER